Recently my friend Brian Baldwin spoke to my church family about passing the torch to the next generation. He made a compelling case for how our younger generations desperately need our older
generations to invest in them. But how? How can our older generations reach out to the younger?
Know this: life-on-life ministry can be awkward. Neither side wishes to show disrespect nor does either side wish to belittle the other. Let's be honest; these two generations disagree about some things. However, no matter what we disagree about, we fully agree that we need Jesus and we want what is best for the future.
How do we pass the torch? Use your time, talents, and treasures to invest in the next generation.
generations to invest in them. But how? How can our older generations reach out to the younger?
Know this: life-on-life ministry can be awkward. Neither side wishes to show disrespect nor does either side wish to belittle the other. Let's be honest; these two generations disagree about some things. However, no matter what we disagree about, we fully agree that we need Jesus and we want what is best for the future.
How do we pass the torch? Use your time, talents, and treasures to invest in the next generation.
1. Pray for children, teenagers, college students and the volunteers who lead them. There is nothing more powerful than an army of people raising their voices to God on behalf of a generation. Your prayers are the most important weapon against the true enemy.
2. Write a note of encouragement to a young person. In a world of digital messages, there is something beautiful about a tangible note. A handwritten note is kept. Young people tape them to their mirrors, put them on their walls, and carry them in their Bibles. The words are read repeatedly.
3. Visit a family or young person to encourage them and pray for them. You may think that visiting a young family might "interrupt" them or "annoy" them, but your presence means the world. It reminds us that people are more important than tasks or the momentary stress. It doesn't have to be a long visit. Step in, tell them that you love them, pray for them right there out loud, and be on your way. See what happens.
1. Teach a skill to a young person. What you may think is a skill or ability that all people have may be a lost treasure. The number of young people who don't know how to change their own oil, bake a cake from scratch, shine a pair of shoes, or even tie a neck tie is alarming. These basic skills you have can save money, eliminate ignorance, and build relationships.
2. Give a young person something you made or created. A woman in my home church who cross-stitched framed a cross-stitched verse that was relevant to the decision. I still have on my wall the precious cross-stitching commemorating my licensing to ministry. What can you create? Give it as a gift. It will be treasured for a lifetime.
3. Ask the leaders of the children, youth, and university ministry how your skills can be used to enrich young people. Leaders of younger generations LOVE involving older generations! Sometimes we're just scared to ask. Your offer is not an imposition. It is an opportunity for our creativity. Give leaders of the next generation your ideas. See what they can do with them.
1. Give to the church. If you're not already giving of your possessions to a local church, you should start now. The general gifts to the local church provide funds to equip young people. Salaries, supplies, and programming would not be possible without the faithful giving of God's people to the local church.
2. Take a young person out for ice cream or dinner. Who doesn't like food!? It is a wonderful opportunity to ask a younger person about themselves. Listen to them. Hear their stories. Feel their pain. I promise that you will have an opportunity to share your story. What a better way to pass the torch of faith to a younger person!
3. Loan a tool, give a ride, or give a lightly used piece of furniture. The resources you have accumulated through your life are a treasure trove of opportunity. Do you have that special socket that removes spark plugs? Most young people do not. Do you have that one tool that makes painting in corners easier? Most young people do not. Do you have things laying around that you don't use? All of these are opportunities for you to intersect with a younger person. Use them.
This is a VERY short list. Get creative. You can come up with many more. Comment below other ideas you have or things you have done or seen. Together we will pass the torch of our faith to the next generation and beyond.
This is a VERY short list. Get creative. You can come up with many more. Comment below other ideas you have or things you have done or seen. Together we will pass the torch of our faith to the next generation and beyond.